Nature Biotechnology-2024 Multistate and functional protein design using RoseTTAFold sequence space diffusion
ICLR-2020 DivideMix:Learning with Noisy Labels as Semi-supervised Learning
Evaluating the representational power of pre-trained DNA language models for regulatory genomics
Feature Reuse and Scaling:Understanding Transfer Learning with Protein Language Models
Simulating 500 million years of evolution with a language model
Nature Communications-2024 PLMSearch:Protein language model powers accurate and fast sequence search for remote homology
eLife-2024 Sensitive remote homology search by local alignment of small positional embeddings from protein language models
Bioinformatics-2024 Embedding-based alignment:combining protein language models with dynamic programming alignment to detect structural similarities in the twilight-zone
Nature Biotechnology-2024 Protein remote homology detection and structural alignment using deep learning
Total 258 articles