bioRxiv-2023 Ankh:Optimized Protein Language Model Unlocks General-Purpose Modelling
Human Genetics-2022 Embeddings from protein language models predict conservation and variant effects
WACV-2023 MixGen:A New Multi-Modal Data Augmentation
International Journal of Molecular Sciences-2023 DeepTP:A Deep Learning Model for Thermophilic Protein Prediction
Frontiers in Microbiology-2022 iThermo:A Sequence-Based Model for Identifying Thermophilic Proteins Using a Multi-Feature Fusion Strategy
ICLR-2023 AIM:Adapting Image Models for Efficient Video Action Recognition
ICML-2019 Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP
Bioinformatics-2023 Accurate and efficient protein sequence design through learning concise local environment of residues
arXiv-2022 Training a Helpful and Harmless Assistant with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
NIPS-2021 Language models enable zero-shot prediction of the effects of mutations on protein function
Total 253 articles