Tag: CV Total 10 articles All cs.GNN other logic pytorch cs.Meta CL BI CV SE GNN IR OS 2022-02-01 ICCV-2021 An Empirical Study of Training Self-Supervised Vision Transformers 2022-01-27 CVPR-2020 Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning 2022-01-24 NIPS-2020 BYOL works even without batch statistics 2022-01-22 Blog-2020 Understanding Self-Supervised and Contrastive Learning with "Bootstrap Your Own Latent"(BYOL) 2022-01-21 NIPS-2020 Bootstrap your own latent:A new approach to self-supervised Learning 2022-01-18 NIPS-2020 Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments 2022-01-16 NIPS-2020 Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners 2022-01-15 ICCV-2021 Swin Transformer:Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows 2022-01-12 ICML-2020 A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations 2022-01-10 CVPR-2020 Improved Baselines with Momentum Contrastive Learning
2022-01-22 Blog-2020 Understanding Self-Supervised and Contrastive Learning with "Bootstrap Your Own Latent"(BYOL)